The metals division at T&T S.r.l. is a service centre located in central Italy, on the outskirts of Rome, a leader in its field for both equipment and for a range of other products.
T&T Spa has a line of coil cutters for the production of sheets that range in thickness from 0.4 to 3 mm of h 1500, and from 4 to 18 mm of h 2500.
We also have a slitter to cut conveyor belts ranging in size from 0.4 to 6mm, with a thickness of h 1500, as well as a bandellatrice (stripping machine) and a glazing system and scotch-bright line for inox sheets.
Our range of products include aluminium, stainless steel and electro zinc plating.
Our of our strengths is our technical customer assistance at different levels, which allows us to personalise the products made in our laboratories, as well as provide pratical demostrations of materials and application procedures, which are carried out by our staff at your place of business.
Our company aims to provide costumers with the best products, through a personalized service that supplies the most suitable materials for the job type and for you specific business needs.
We are always looking for innovative materials and solutions.
We are professional and reliable regard every delivery type and production timing.